Monday, October 26, 2015

Word Wallets

Everyone has their own way of organizing student visuals, flashcards, and sight words, but somehow these always seem to be everywhere but where they are supposed to be!!
In my room, we have vocabulary for each unit we do, and each student has their own set of pictures. Multiply an average of 10 pictures times 9 units times 6 kids and you get a lot of 3x3 inch square pieces of paper floating around the room. Ahh!!

I want to share an easy tip that works really well and adds to student independence! Every student has a small coupon expandable folder that we call their "word wallet" (I can't take credit for that name-one of my awesome paras came up with it!). Whenever we begin a new unit, everyone has to retrieve their word wallet from their box and bring it to the carpet to receive their new cards. I put their initials on the back of the pictures so if one DOES go missing, we can easily figure out who it belongs to. 

The different sections of the word wallet are labeled-I have them set to topics everyone in my room is working on, but it is easy to make it work for one specific goal or subject area, too! If you wanted to make it a reading word wallet, for example, you could label your sections with sight words, safety words, names, classroom words, and seasonal words.

What do you use in your room to organize student word cards or flashcards? Comment below!! 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Task Analysis Website Share!

As I am preparing my routine task analyses for my kids (I am using this as part of my evaluation this year-they need to be good!), I find myself questioning what the best method to teach them would be. I came across this great website that puts it in SUCH simple terms. I plan to share it with the staff in my room so we are all using common language! This, combined with the prompting hierarchy I have hanging in my room, will help us get on the right track for routine success!

Here is the website I found: 
